Onward and upward!

Thank you for being part of our journey these 3 years! We've so appreciated all your kind words and visits. Onward and upward with our journey!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Almost the End?

Dear My Toy Garden Friends,

It’s been climbing.  It’s been falling.  It’s been twisting and turning.  It’s been slowly inching up another hill only to plummet 6 feet before climbing slowing again.  And now, it’s stalled in a tunnel of darkness.

Summer is the time for roller coasters and what a coaster ride we have been on at My Toy Garden. For those of you who have been following along on this journey, you know that we announced April 10 that due to the needs of my family, we were planning to sell My Toy Garden and if a buyer did not step forward by the end of May, we would close the store.  My Toy Garden has been an intertwined part of my heart for the last 3  years and so that decision was one made slowly, with great deliberation and announced with a deep sigh.  The store has thrived in its 3 years and our customer base has grown quickly and has become like family.  Although there were frowns, sagged shoulder and tears, I appreciated that many of you understood that my children and my marriage needed to come before the store.

April came and went.  May began and the staff wrapped up their journeys on the 2nd Saturday.  I stayed on for four more days to clear out the last of the inventory.  I had always felt the store would sell and, while I did begin to have doubts that it really would in those last few days, lo and behold, at 4 pm on the last Tuesday, a man walked in and was interested in buying the store.  

We have talked and waiting and talked and waited all summer long.  At times, signing the closing documents seemed a day or two away and others, weeks away.  At this time, I am letting go of that possibility with him.  I also said I would not sell the store unless I felt it was the right owner who would continue it on with love, integrity and with a passion to help families.   So…here’s where we are…time to decide.

Do we sell the fixtures and close it forever?  Perhaps.  I’ve decided to send out the word before making that step to see who is out there….one of you?  Someone you know?  Who would love to turn the lights back on at a turnkey, beloved community toy store?  Everything is in place and ready to go.  The new owner would simply place orders with my guidance and the shelves would once again dance with possibilities.  Please share this newsletter with those you know and maybe, just maybe My Toy Garden will continue on.   Interested in knowing more about the store itself?  Contact me at toyladyjanet@gmail.com or 317-600-8882.  Interested in the financials?  Contact my broker, Dick Hester, at 317-496-3503 or rhester@indianabusinessadvisors.com.  If enough of you read this and share this, maybe, just maybe My Toy Garden will continue on.  Thank you truly from the bottom of my heart for all who have supported my family.  It is such a bittersweet time for us.

With much love,
Toylady Janet

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